Nutella cookies. Probably the simplest cookies you'll ever make and can never go wrong.
I honestly hate making cookies so much because I never seem to perfect them. Can never seem to find the consistency with the dough. Made one years ago (look at archives) with my sisters, and it came out looking horrendous as well. And I also tried making sugar cookies for valentines and that also didn't turn out too well. Maybe because I substitute butter for margarine and that wasn't the wisest choice I've made. Tasted pretty horrible that I had to half coat it with chocolate to mask up the taste. It looks pretty but looks can be deceiving.
So I was contemplating between Nutella brownies or cookies, and my boyfriend decided on cookies for me. I was preparing myself for another failure of baking cookies. Started looking through google for a few recipes and comparing them and deciding on my quantity and what I should use. (That's how I usually bake, I don't follow specifically a single recipe. I usually scroll through about 5 and decide on the ingredients myself based on previous baking experiences and how I expect them to be.)
So ingredients are basically:
1. A jar of Nutella - I used 200grams
2. 3/4 cups of plain flour
3. 1 egg
+/- hazelnuts or chocolate chips
I really wanted to add hazelnuts, but I was too lazy to get them. But I'm sure they will taste heavenly.
1. Preheat your oven to about 180 degrees celcius
2. Line your tray with baking paper
3. Mix all your ingredients together until it is smooth and consistent.
(I had some problems with this because I got too tired as they were getting really lumpy, so I added one tablespoon of chocolate milk and everything mixed so much more easily)
4. Roll them into little balls
5. Use your thumb or a cup to slightly press them down.
(Make sure you don't make them too thin whereby the edges cracks off and is not in a nice circular shape.)

6. Put in the oven for 5/6mins (most people say 6-8mins, but I feel the cookies usually would be burned by then)
7. Allow them to cool down on the grill until it hardens up.
(I must say some times it's hard to take them off the baking paper because it's really soft and would break apart)
8. Have it with a glass of chocolate milk
You can always put them back in the Nutella jars. It fits perfectly and looks so presentable as a gift. (:
I would never ever make any other kind of cookies anymore. (I'm kidding, I'm attempting on making lemon sugar cookies one day.)
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