Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hey! I haven't been contributing to the blog for quite some time! So I will be posting today's post! Anyway, we have been dying to do a jigsaw puzzle for quite some time now. And finally daffy bought it  when she went out last week! :) Buying a jigsaw puzzle is PRETTY expensive!! $60+ for the jigsaw puzzle and $70+ for the frame! Wow!

Okay so here's the picture that we are suppose to get to at the end! You think it looks simple? It's one of the craziest puzzle to do. The borders are all white. The clouds looks exactly the same. The grass and flowers looks exactly the same too. :(
Close up on the 4 characters! BABY WINNIE THE POOH CHARACTERS! :):) Baby tigger, baby piglet, baby pooh and baby eeyore! :):) The actually represent the 4 of us. Hehehe! Pretty cute eh? :D

Okay so let's go! Step 1 to solving a jigsaw puzzle: POUR THE PIECES OUT!! :):)

Step 2: do the borders first! This jigsaw puzzle's borders is super crazy because it's totally white, so we literally just tried every piece to each other, hoping they will fit perfectly!

Step 3: Do the obvious pieces first. For this jigsaw, it's definitely the 4 cartoon characters! For your information, the 2 pictures below were fixed within less than 24hours since the unwrapping of the jigsaw! Aren't we fast? :D:D Hehehe.

Okay, so we finished everything but the clouds. Seriously, the clouds is INSANE. We gave up doing for afew days but finally we took time to sit down and stress over the clouds. And we managed to fix all within a week! That's pretty impressive by the fact that we had our own lives and we didn't do much for the first few days. Hahaha :):)

TADAAAAA!! We finally finished the entire jigsaw puzzle! WOOHOO! Oh by the way, it's 1000 pieces! I'm so happy!! :D:D So step 4: Take the glue that they gave in the jigsaw puzzle box and cover all over it! Make sure that you cover the ends too! :):) REMEMBER to put something underneath it or else it will get stuck to the floor or table.

Step 6 (Last and final step): After waiting for the glue to dry! Take the whole jigsaw puzzle and put it in a nice frame! :):) And ta-da! Our masterpiece! :):)
So there's something we can tick off the list now - doing a 1000jigsaw puzzle! :):) Good bye and sorry for the crappy posting :P

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