Monday, January 13, 2014

Strawberry layered cake

So I finally decided to make a cake. I have never ever made a cake before. And I dreamt the night before that I was making a strawberry shortcake, so I woke up this morning insistent on making one despite the lack of any knowledge. I tried my friend's mum's strawberry layered cake before and it tasted amazing, and I really wanted to replicate that. Although it didn't turn out to be the same as her's, but mine was still pretty satisfying. :D

For sponge cake
4 eggs
1/2 cup & slightly more of flour
1/2 cup & slightly more of sugar

1. Pre heat oven at 170 degrees celsius
2. Whip eggs and sugar together until it becomes creamy (it should increase 3 times in volume)
3. Fold in the flour
4. Pour it in a tin (I use a rectangle tin)
5. Bake it for about 17-20mins, or until your toothpick comes out clean
6. Use a knife and divide the sponge cake into 3 (or more if you wish)
7. Cool it on a cooling rag

For strawberry puree
10 strawberries 

8. Place it your food processor and blend it

For frosting
1/4 cup of sugar
150g of cream cheese
1/2 cup of whipping cream

9. Whip the cream cheese and sugar together until smooth
10. Add whipping cream until it becomes fluffy

The layers should be (from top to bottom): Cake, strawberry puree, cream, cake, strawberry, cream, cake. If you have more cream frosting (like me), just put it around it. Decorate your cake with strawberries, if you wish.

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