On the way back in the car, my netball team mate who called shotgun asked my another team mate who was driving, "What is your ideal Saturday morning?" She described it along the lines of: Waking up, knowing that there is no pressure in doing any work, or even knowing that there isn't any work to clear for today. Having breakfast in bed, served by the person you love. And maybe after breakfast, taking a stroll along the beach (St Andrews' beach is said to be one of their best attraction). Then she asked the rest of us in the car, everyone agreed and said their ideal Saturday morning was along that line too.
I sat in the back seat of the car, and started wondering what is my ideal Saturday morning.
My ideal Saturday morning, is waking up at like crazily early timing for me, that I have to drag myself out of bed to get up. Or rather, some other people dragging me out of bed. Or when that particular someone shouts and it is like a signal to my body to immediately get up, or I will get into trouble. That's how I would like to wake up to on my ideal Saturday morning.
Brushing my teeth, doing my hair and using the toilet. Having to queue for the sink, the mirror, the toilet bowl, the comb/brush, the toothpaste (colgate) as I do all these simple daily routine things every morning. Weird isn't it? Having to queue up to even do the simplest things ever. But that's how I would like to get ready for my ideal Saturday morning.
Walking down that flight of stairs to see newspapers in people's hands and the television turned on. But this position doesn't last long, because I am usually the signal to keep the newspaper, turn off the lights, television and fan and head to the main door. Cupboards that stores shoes starts opening and closing with a slam, shoes are thrown on the floor with a little dog being afraid of the sound produced when the shoes touches the ground. Automatically, everyone moves into the car, as though there was some sort of seating arrangement. It was like the "silent rule". This was the "silent seating positions". Off we go, a start to my ideal Saturday morning.
Arrived at some coffee shop, that is simply walking distance from the house, but sure why not drive? Then one whole load of ordering system goes - "Carrot cake. Black or white? Add egg." "Roasted chicken rice. Add roasted pork." "Hokkien mee." And this is my favourite line on a Saturday morning, "Four iced milo, one coffee black and one can of coke (in Chinese/dialect/singlish)." When everything is placed on the table, food starts being transferred and shared around, and eaten, till everyone is well-fed.
With tummies filled, going home was the next thing. Everyone disperse into their individual rooms, but to only start preparing, for the errands that were discussed, probably days or weeks ago. I like errands that requires me to dress up. Dressing up was the fun part, taking ages to decide which clothes to wear, or what matches what. And off we go again, with the car before the afternoon and energy gotten from my wonderful morning breakfast starts to kick in.
This is my ideal Saturday morning. To be back home, leading my life with my family.