We are crazy over fleas, since we started blogging because fleas have the cheapest things ever! Everything is on clearance sales, and everything is cheap! But this time, we turned things around - we were the vendors! We had our first flea market yesterday, Sunday at Scape park from 2pm to 8pm! Yes, we decided to sell some of our clothes, because we can't bring them to Scotland either. It is too cold up there! Pretty sad, I am going to miss all my summer dresses.
But back to the flea! We took one day to clear up our wardrobe and decide what we would want to sell! Our wardrobes are pretty empty now, which is quite sad. The whole room was in a big mess, no joke. So daffy was appointed to do the hanging of price tags, dul was appointed to hang the clothes, and I was appointed to write the price tag! Yes, division of labour applies in this family. :D
My little niece who entered my room and saw the shoes. She just put them on and started walking around. |
All tidied up! We were pretty much looking forward to this day and was excited! So after our weekly Sunday morning marketing at Chinatown, we packed everything and headed down to Scape around 1pm plus! Thank goodness we had the big car at home to use to transport everything down! :)
How the back of the car looks like. Hahahaha. |
Dulcy, our driver there! :) |
Our supporter, Brina aka dulcy's boyfriend! :) |
My rice krispies box that I used for these signs! :( |
Thank goodness for a guy like Brina! Strong guys here is an advantage to us! :) |
daffy with the luggage! :) |
Setting up the store! Super warm! |
My pink penguin, our only source of wind there! |
So we spent like 7 hours at Scape, that humid place. We literally perspire for 7 hours there. It was an experience I guess! Thank goodness we had friends there who set up their own stores also, so we hopped to each other stall, caught up a little and all! Dulcy and Brina were our logistics/welfare people! :D They bought food and drinks for us - 2 bottles of mineral water, a box of honey stars and 2 bottles of pringles! They got french fries later! Daffy was the one who kept organizing the clothes each time some one looks through the clothes and messes them up! Well I was the one promoting the stall.
So this was my standard phrase that I repeated for 6 hours. "
Hello, everything in the luggage is $5. If you buy 3, it'll be $12 only. All the pairs of shoes are at $10. And everything at our stall is below $20. So please have a look through the rack and everything. Thank you." It was a really long promotion that I had to keep doing, and hardly anyone stopped to look anyway. I think we are the horrible stall promoters. Haha! We kept pushing clothes to them, asking them if they think it looks good on them! Hahaha!
So we didn't sell much clothes, and mostly our customers were all from the Philippines. I can't believe one of them did the China method on me - the walking away if you don't meet my bargain price. What a bitch. & hardly only one bought things that are above $15. Sigh. It is pretty disappointing, but I guess it is okay!
Packing up! |
Drove home and we were seriously pretty exhausted from everything! But I guess it was quite an experience! Not sure if we're going to do another to try to clear again, but honestly it is not cheap renting the stall and trying to break even is really hard. :(
So that was our experience with Fleas! :D
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