Friday, March 16, 2012


I'm just glad I know I have the back's of my other two dopplegangers even when everyone seems to be going against me. At least I know, finally, someone understands how to walk in my shoes (both literally and figuratively). Then suddenly I realize, maybe humanity isn't all that bad anymore. It's times like these when you doubt humanity and they clear up that grey skies slightly.

Hey, guess what? I've got your backs too. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 more weeks till we meet

No one have been updating this blog! I shall be the one that revive it! ANYWAY, I'm so egg-cited that I'll be going up to Dublin to see daffy over the WHOLE EASTER BREAK! Well, we got to study too! The good thing is, the currency is euros not pounds, so I won't be spending any money! HAHA! No, just kidding, that's not the good thing. The good thing is I get to REUNITE with my lost-sister! Hahaha :D:D And I finally get to see her room, which she claims to be bigger than mine (which I don't believe). But anyway, 2 weeks count down! Let's go! Daffy FIGHTING! Desi FIGHTING! :D:D